Spiritualist Hymns

As with orthodox religions, music is a common feature in Spiritualism. Many of the songs or hymns used are Christian in origin, though Spiritualism reaches beyond Christianity to recognise the truth in all religions. The purpose of music and song is to raise the vibration in order to attract friends and loved ones in Spirit to draw close, or in the case of the closing hymn to signal the return of our attention to the earthly plane. Song also serves to unite sitters in common activity. To gain the most from the music sitters should not just mechanically sing the words of these hymns, but should make consious effort to receive the message conveyed.

Here are three commonly used Spiritualist hymns.

The Lord's Prayer (used as an opening)

Our father God who art in heaven
O hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
In earth and heaven the same
When in temptation leave us not
From evil set us free
For thine the kingdom, thine the power
And glory ever be

The Healing Hymn (accompanies the absent healing intercession)

Gracious Spirit of thy goodness
Hear our anxious prayer
Take our loved ones who are suffering
'neath thy tender care
Loving father hear us, hear us

Gracious Spirit may thy presence
Shed a healing ray
Turning all their nights of darkness
Into glorious day
Loving father hear us, hear us

Gracious Spirit should'st thou claim them
Be their light and guide
Lead them to the heavenly kingdom
Safely by thy side
Loving father hear us, hear us


The Vesper (or closing hymn)

Grant us thy peace, O God of peace and love
Who dwelleth in the shining realms above
Grant us with thee forever to abide
Where is no night or falling even tide
Till that day breaks
And earth's dark shadows cease
O God of peace and love grant us thy peace
Thy peace, thy peace
