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Dream Meanings

Why are dreams important | Interpreting dreams | Special Dreams | More information

Interpreting Dreams

There is no single right way of dream interpretation. In time you will find the method(s) that work best for you. You may well find that different methods must be applied to different dreams. You should find however than when you hit the right meaning you will feel a sense of inner satisfaction, like a light coming on.

First consider the dream as a whole. It may have an obvious, literal meaning, eg about the events of the previous day or an anticipation of something coming up. If so it's probably safe to stop there. But not all dreams are so simple. Dreams often employ ingenious symbolism to transmit their message the decoding of which can be a challenge even to their creator.

You might split the elements of the dream into a number of categories, eg people, places, objects, actions, emotions… Think about what each means to you. Be prepared to think laterally if a literal interpretation is not easily forthcoming.

Analysis may reveal the dream only confirms what you already consciously know or feel. Good. That should give you confirmation your rational approach is justified. Perhaps the confirmatory dream is urging you to try a little harder in your current direction.

Some dreams will reveal that a current, waking, pathway is the wrong one.

Classical Dream Interpretation

According to Freud dreams are the fulfillment of often repressed wishes. These wishes may be disguised in various ways, eg by combining several elements into one (condensation) or hiding the most significant theme(s) by representing them as the leas significant objects (displacement). Controversially, Freud placed great emphasis on the sexual significance of dream imagery.

CG Jung, a one-time student and colleague of Freud, considers the Spiritual significance of dreams. Jung places considerable weight upon archetypes, universal symbols common to all humanity.

Fritz Perls' Gestalt therapy considers that every elements of a dream represents a (possibly disowned) part of the dreamer.

Dream Dictionary

Dream dictionaries are extensive lists of symbols that may be found in dreams together with their suggested meanings. Essentially they are an extension of Jung's theory of archetypes, ie that human beings recognize a set of symbols with universal meaning.

Dream dictionaries have their value but should be used with caution, eg a dream of dogs has a vastly different meaning to a dog lover than to someone with a fear of the animals.

Initially I would analyze each component of a dream based on what it means to you. Where the meaning is less than clear, check the symbol in a dream dictionary. In the early stages of dream interpretation you may care to check several dream dictionaries. In time you may find the one that's most accurate for you.

Even after checking the dream dictionary don't blindly accept the given interpretation. Accept only what's instinctively right. If it doesn't feel right use the given meaning as a starting point for your own reflection and meditation.

Free Dream Dictionaries online

MSN Astrology: Free Dream Dictionary
hyperdictionary Dream Dictionary
Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionay
Dream Central's Dream Dictionary
Predictions: Dream Dictionary
The Dream Dictionary

Special dreams

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